Soapbox Derby 2023

– Another First for Hornsea Carnival –

Hornsea Soapbox Derby 2023

–  it was Amazing –

In 2023 Hornsea Carnival brought the frills and spills of a Budget Red Bull soapbox Derby to the seaside town of Hornsea, and it was an massive success. Attracting a lot of entrants, and enjoying more success that bigger events, and the main thing its this was FREE !!!

This was all made possible grant from East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Hornsea Carnival was approached and asked if they could create a new event for the town, and could they do before the end of April ~( This was in December )

Not one to shy away from a challenge, Iain and the Team got to work trying to make an event which would benefit the town, and maximise the Park. After much brain storming they thought, why not have a Hornsea Soapbox Derby.

And what a success, apart from one aspect everything came together, the logistics no problems, getting the whole event pulled together not a problem.

Getting Event Insurance to cover the public, that was an fight !!  , we managed to insure the Event but was told they would only do the one year.

Even now in 2024  we are still trying every month to get insurance for the Event so we can run it again, but no insurance company will take on any new Organisation wishing to put on this type of event, and that’s in the whole of the UK.

We won’t give up and will do all we can to bring this event back ..

  Time to Get your Push On

Big news from Hornsea Carnival, and we would love for you to be involved. Yes, it’s another FREE event, yes, it’s FREE, but it needs YOUR involvement.

Hornsea Carnival in Partnership with

East Riding Council
• Bridlington Bay Lobster
• Hornsea Town Council
• Yorkshire Coast Bid
• Backfire Promotions
• Seaside FM

are proud to present the First ever Hornsea Soapbox Derby, this is a massive coup for the town and promises to be a brilliant event for the whole family.

quo itis, non egent viae
(Where we’re going, we don’t need roads)

Some Basic Rules – Detailed Rules Below

The Event is Open to all,
• Your Soapbox has to have four wheels
• Has to be a Home Made Soapbox
• Has to be push powered
• Has to turn at least two wheels to steer
• Age Restrictions may apply

How to score Our points are out of 100

1. Entry – Style / Creativity out of 25
2. Pre-Start Performance points out of 25
3. Distance covered 20
4. Time of Run 20
5. Comedy points 10