Parade Traffic Mangement Plan
Hornsea Carnival Committee
Parade Traffic Management Plan
Parade Traffic Management Plan
Date and time of parade 12.30pm Saturday 22 July 2023
Parade Organiser: Hornsea Carnival Committee
Parade Road Closures will be in operation from 12.00 noon until 15.00 but the closures will be progressively removed when safe to do so once the parade has passed.
All roads will be re-opened after the parade is complete and has dispersed into Hall Garth Park which will be before 15.00.
Parade Route: Atwick Road from the entrance to Hornsea School & Language College proceeding south on to Mill Lane, Market Place, Newbegin, New Road, Marine Drive, Eastgate, Cliff Road dispersing into Hall Garth Park.
Parade Route Map is attached to this Management Plan and will be attached to the road closure order when issued by ERYC for the 2023 parade.
The Parade Route is unchanged for 2023 from that used successfully for 2022 and for many previous years.
The necessary statutory notices of the road closures provided by ERYC will be published on the relevant streets not less than 7 days prior to the event.
Traffic Management
All Traffic Management requiring the placing of signs and cones on the road will be carried out by the appropriately trained personnel under the control of our appointed Traffic Management specialist contractor Roadway UK Traffic Management Ltd.
- Starting at 12.00 Roadway personnel will progressively close all side roads and car park access / egress points with Road Closed signs and cones. There are 29 access points on to the closed roads of the parade route.
- This procedure will start at the Atwick Road entrance to Hornsea School and Language College and progress along the parade route until all access points onto the parade route are closed.
- At this stage Westgate and Southgate will remain open to allow North / South through traffic to flow through the town for as long as possible.
- At 12.30 Roadway personnel will close Atwick Road to southbound traffic and the parade will leave the school grounds and proceed south along Atwick Road led by the Hornsea Carnival member lead vehicle displaying amber flashing lights.
- Also at 12.30 Roadway personnel will close Westgate and Southgate to through traffic while allowing traffic on the closed roads to exit the closure area.
- Arrangements will be in place for lead and tail vehicles. Marshals cars with amber flashing light and signs as appropriate will lead and tail the Parade.
- Marshals and lead car, as above, will move ahead of the parade ensuring any road users which have strayed on to the parade route past the Road Closed signage and cones have advanced warning that a parade is taking place and will be required to stop at the side of the road until the whole parade has passed and they can safely proceed.
- The parade will progress via the route set out above.
- When all of the parade has passed through the Market Place and the parade tail vehicle has entered Newbegin, Roadway personnel will close Newbegin at its Junction with Southgate and Market Place.
- Once Newbegin has been closed at that point, Roadway Personnel will open Westgate and South gate and remove signs and cones thereby allowing North South through traffic to flow through the town.
- Roadway personnel will follow the parade opening the closed side roads and car parks as it becomes safe to do so.
- Cliff Road at its junction with Newbegin / New Road will remain closed until the front of the parade and the lead vehicle has reached that point.
- Once the whole of the parade has entered Cinema Street and is dispersing into Hall Garth Park any remaining closed side roads or car parks will be re-opened.
- On Completion, all traffic management equipment will be collected and removed from site.
- Following the completion of the parade all statutory notices as referred to above will be removed and disposed of appropriately.
Emergency Services Blue Light Vehicles – All Participating Parade Groups will be instructed to allow undelayed access for Emergence Services Vehicles displaying Flashing Blue Lights and Sirens by moving quickly to the side of the road to allow access. Marshalls will be instructed to assist and control this and will be in communication by SW radios.
Date: 11.07.23
Dennis Mapplebeck
Iain Poole